Cordillera Applications Group UK Ltd

Our vision, values and goals will ensure our continued growth and success.

Cordillera UK, is the UK affiliate of CAG US, leading the UK and European business lines of the company.

Cordillera is a pioneering research and analysis firm specializing in resilience and risk management, dedicated to guiding companies and institutions through the intricacies of uncertain and complex environments. Leveraging a sophisticated toolbox of data collection and analysis, capability development, training, and strategic advice, our teams empower businesses to not only weather storms but to thrive amidst adversity. 

With a track record of success spanning both technological and human domains, and spearheaded by an esteemed risk-management team comprised of former senior military, intelligence, and communications professionals, Cordillera’s innovative ideas and methodologies are poised to revolutionize how corporations and government institutions navigate and flourish in the ever-evolving operational landscape.

Cordillera's Great Tommy Sleep Out for RBLI​

For more than a century, RBLI has been helping veterans across the UK. The rising cost of living makes it difficult for young, single male veterans in particular to get social housing and force them to be homeless. Without fixed address they struggle to find employment, which only makes their financial difficulties worse and lead to serious mental health concerns.

The Cordillera Team – Alex Case, Dave Kilcullen, and Gordon Pendleton – decided, as veterans to support this very worthwhile charity and swapped their beds for a sleeping bag to raise vital funds and awareness for over 6000 ex-servicemen and women that are experiencing homeless in the UK right now. With every penny raised, Royal British Legion Industries can provide safe, warm housing, and ensure everyone has a fair opportunity to gain employment, regardless of health conditions or disability.

Thanks to everyone for their generosity in supporting our efforts. We have raised £1772 which will allow RBLI to help the most UK’s vulnerable veterans by providing safe homes and the support and employment training they need to get back on their feet.

Well done, Team!

Cordillera and the local community

GENsNYC youth club charity.

Cordillera’s long-standing commitment to community engagement and investment has enabled us to build strong relationships with communities in the areas where we operate. We strive to support our local community and make a difference in people’s life, which is why some of our team members regularly volunteer in our local youth club, GENsNYC. The club is helping young people who have additional speech, and language and communication needs to hang out with friends, make new ones and develop their social skills in a safe and welcoming place.

We believe that lasting change begins at the community level through grassroots initiatives, engaging events, and involvement where we live and work. That is why in 2023 Cordillera has donated money to the GENsNYC club to help with ever growing cost of running the club.  We are always keen on engaging with others to get to know our community and connect.

Veterans Outreach Support charity.

At Cordillera we believe it’s important to lead by example and we are committed to making a positive difference in the lives of those who served the country. Veterans Outreach Support, our local charity offers a wide assistance to Armed Forces Veterans and former members of the merchant marine and we are proud to provide our support to continue making a real difference to veterans’ lives.


Over the past 2 years Cordillera has been providing financial and moral support to the local special needs youth club, Genesis.

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