Cordillera’s Great Tommy Sleep Out for RBLI​

For more than a century, RBLI has been helping veterans across the UK. The rising cost of living makes it difficult for young, single male veterans in particular to get social housing and force them to be homeless. Without fixed address they struggle to find employment, which only makes their financial difficulties worse and lead to serious mental health concerns.

The Cordillera Team – Alex Case, Dave Kilcullen, and Gordon Pendleton – decided, as veterans to support this very worthwhile charity and swapped their beds for a sleeping bag to raise vital funds and awareness for over 6000 ex-servicemen and women that are experiencing homelessness in the UK right now. With every penny raised, Royal British Legion Industries can provide safe, warm housing, and ensure everyone has a fair opportunity to gain employment, regardless of health conditions or disability.

Thanks to everyone for their generosity in supporting our efforts. We have raised £1772 which will allow RBLI to help the most UK’s vulnerable veterans by providing safe homes and the support and employment training they need to get back on their feet.
Well done, Team!

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